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"CIRCLES": The Who's Pete Townshend in geometric shapes

The Who's Pete Townshend Rendered in Circles (and a Few Rectangles)
I woke up three days in a row with “Love, Reign O’er Me”* in my head, so after pulling out The Who’s killer performance of “A Quick One While He’s Away” (my fave tune of theirs) from the Rolling Stones Rock & Roll Circus, I’ve been listening to way too much of them the last few weeks.

Been wanting to mess around with geometrics, so everything is made from either a circle and/or a square/rectangle, which is also a nod to the Who’s roots as Mods. (Amazingly I was half-way through this before their song “Circles” even occurred to me. D’uh.) The red & blue swirls are the Who logo RAF bullseye, sound waves, record grooves, and the motion of Pete’s windmill. THOSE GLORIOUS WINDMILLS!!! I also love how he gets so hyper jumping around that he tangles himself up in his cords, so I had to add that. (I would TOTALLY buy a Pete Townshend exercise DVD … “Won’t Get Fat Again”?)

Pete here is more of his mid-’60s self, but his guitar is a bit of a bastardization of several of his custom Gibsons from the ’70s, including the number 8.

*Am I the only one in the history of the Who to prefer QUADROPHENIA to TOMMY?

The design reworked for a self-promo mailer to send to prospective design/illustration clients.
"CIRCLES": The Who's Pete Townshend in geometric shapes

"CIRCLES": The Who's Pete Townshend in geometric shapes

The Who's Pete Townshend rendered in geometric shapes.
